Effective and efficient human resource management is paramount to a nonprofit organization’s ability to achieve its mission and make a lasting impact. Nonprofits face unique human resource challenges often requiring more specific HR expertise. Whether a trade association, professional society, 501(c)(6) or 501(c)(3), Smart HR understands the HR challenges faced by nonprofits and provides personalized HR outsourcing solutions enabling the organization to focus on its mission instead of HR administration.
Why Choose Smart HR?
With over two decades of experience working with nonprofit organizations, Smart HR understands a nonprofit’s HR needs. When partnering with Smart HR, a nonprofit organization can expect the following:
Team Approach
HR professionals have either a generalist or specialist background. An HR generalist has a solid understanding of and experience managing all HR functions like recruiting, benefits administration, and employee relations. An HR specialist has a deeper understanding and more expertise in one specific HR function. When partnering with Smart HR, a nonprofit organization reaps the benefits of having both an HR generalist acting as the lead Smart HR consultant to manage the nonprofit’s entire HR function and a team of Smart HR specialists who step in when needed. For example, if a nonprofit receives funding to hire more staff, the lead Smart HR consultant works with the nonprofit’s leadership team to formulate a comprehensive recruiting plan. The Smart HR recruiting specialist recruits for the openings, tapping into the right talent pipeline to secure the best candidates.
Mission-Aligned HR Support
Smart HR recognizes nonprofits are mission driven, and Smart HR tailors its outsourcing solutions to support that mission. Smart HR ensures the mission is present in all HR functions, from recruiting like-minded employees passionate about the nonprofit’s cause to providing benefits appealing to those employees.
Centralized HR
Because of limited resources, often employees at nonprofits wear “many hats” with HR administration spread among several employees, maybe at different locations, who also perform non-HR tasks. Without one dedicated HR employee, nonprofits may be more susceptible to compliance and regulatory risks, and employees may not receive the best HR support. By partnering with Smart HR, a nonprofit can rest assured it is compliant with all local, state, and federal regulations, and employees receive exemplary HR support.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Nonprofits often operate under budget constraints. Smart HR provides organizations with high-end HR management and expertise generally costing 50% less than maintaining an in-house HR department.
Comprehensive Benefits Administration
For a nonprofit facing compensation limitations, providing comprehensive, meaningful benefits is of the utmost importance. Smart HR carefully crafts and administers benefit packages appealing to the nonprofit’s target talent pool to ensure it attracts and retains the desired workforce.
Special Recruiting Needs
A nonprofit’s recruiting needs can vary greatly from those of a for-profit organization. Most nonprofits have a limited recruiting budget affecting all aspects of the hiring process. A nonprofit may be limited to advertising only on free job boards and may be limited by offering a less competitive salary than offered by a for-profit organization. Smart HR develops a formal recruiting strategy emphasizing the nonprofit’s overarching mission and the constituents they serve.
About Smart HR
With over two decades of experience, Smart HR has been a trusted partner in the non-profit human resources field. Our programs redefine client expectations and reshape how nonprofits view the HR function. We have proven that HR can be a catalyst for increased profits, enhanced productivity, and improved employee/management relationships.

Smarter Outsourcing For Nonprofits with Smart HR
Choose Smart HR for a smarter approach to your outsourcing for nonprofit problems. Let us handle your HR needs so you can focus on what matters most – your business.